Tuesday, December 4, 2012

When the dust bunnies get you down

I don't hate cleaning, but it is often the thing "I didn't do". Came across this list today in Real Simple magazine. Holidays can be guilt laden and busy, here's a how-to when you are having a heavy helping of both.
Plaid week is on hold because it's flippin' 75 degrees in the shade down here and I already packed up my plaid bermuda shorts!  Working on some other fun stuff. Stay tuned and please follow or comment - it's so reassuring to know your out there.


  1. I'm out there! I so look forward to your posts. They are fun AND interesting! Keep it up! I just read something about giving yourself one hour a week to do something creative that has no real purpose. No deadline, goal or pressure of any kind. Just do something creative. Like take up painting for the first time. Supposedly it will free up your creativity in other areas!

    1. Thank you so much! I'm following your advice with photography (new) and blogging (new).

  2. We have had a rainy course of days and I love it. I have been on the major quest for some rain boots to slog around in...Hunter boots are cute but I can't pull the trigger. Went to DSW and found some great boots. Took home a raunchy brown mid calf, black suede knee high, and a hot grey and black snake skin fitted knee high. All sooo well priced! When I wear boots with my leggings and a sweater I just feel so much more put together. But no rain boots. Think I might water proof my 1991 Uggs. What do you wear on your rainy days?

    1. Ha! I have Hunter boots on my Christmas list! Its been soooo long since we had a good rainy day. I have my black Target tall rainboots, but they have seen better days. I love that you are wearing boots, I thought California girls only wore flip flops or stilettos! J/K Send a pic of all three, please.
