Sunday, March 10, 2013

Make It Your Own - options

A week or so ago I passed a jewelry tree in Anthropologie and it grabbed me.  My dresser is awash with jewelry accessories that get left there as I dress and undress.  I have some nice hanging storage in the closet, but find that the things I see are the ones I wear.  Well, the Anthro tree was almost $100 which seemed an extravagance.  Moved on.  Then in Target this weekend, I happened upon a similiar tree with a sweet bird perched on top. At $20 it was a score and I'm so happy with it.  Point is there are options. Sometimes its the investment piece and sometimes its the less expensive version. Pick what you love and can't live without or wait...
Target Jewelry Tree $19.99
Anthropologie Jewelry Tree $98
My tree, quite lovely and practical.  Love it.  Happy Day Light Savings!

1 comment:

  1. I saw this tree at Target the other day and loved it! Totally considering buying it.
    Although I may need a whole forest for my jewelry.

